Kahoot is a FREE game based classroom response system. We used our individual Chromebooks to play. I displayed the Kahoot game that I easily created on their website on my big screen through my projector . I actually used some common assessments that were formed in my district to improve science scores. These force and motion assessments seemed to be a little boring, and I wanted to spice them up a bit. Kahoot allowed me to do this easily. I could even insert pictures and diagrams that went with my questions. The students logged into my game by inserting the game pin y game was assigned at kahoot.it. They used their first names to join which allowed me to keep track of how each student responded.
After everyone had joined the game, we started to play. The question was displayed on the screen. I read it out loud so my struggling readers knew exactly what it said. Then they had the opportunity to select the correct answer from four that were presented to them that were color and shape coded. When all students had responded in 60 seconds or less (I preset that time frame), a bar graph showed what students answered and which answer was the correct response. The student was able to have immediate feedback and results to see where they went wrong if they did. All students were given points and those who answered quickly received the most. At the end there was an ultimate winner of the Kahoot game.
I was able to print off data to help assess how students understood the introduced science concepts. The data showed how long it took each kid to answer and if they answered wrong, what they chose instead. The report is a clear portrayal of any misconceptions some students may have had. With a Kahoot account you can also search for other quizzes that teachers have created and use them as well. I will be using Kahoot in my classroom on a frequent basis. I am so glad I tried it!