
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Summer's Almost Done - Time to Think Technology Education

As I was sitting at a local restaurant enjoying a lunch out on a week day, I discovered I am ready to get back to school and start thinking about implementing educational technology.  There weren't very many customers.  Everyone was at work and I felt lucky to have the time off to spend with my kids.  I couldn't even recall what day of the week it was, which means I was totally immersed in my summer vacation relaxation.  We sat next to a large table of retired, elderly men who must have just finished a round at the nearby golf course.  They were quite loud and I found myself eavesdropping on their conversations, especially when the topic of education was brought up.

One of the gentlemen expressed his concern about a recent technology bond that was passed in the community and said something like, "They don't need computers at school.  They can just play on their own when they get home."  And then the conversation continued about all the fancy gadgets their grandchildren have that could perform such tasks that seemed magical and impossible.

I wanted to interrupt the conversation so badly and express my opinion on the importance of technology in the world we live in and the future of our students, but I didn't want to seem rude.  It is amazing to me that so often technology is viewed as a play thing even though the careers of the future are going to require more than a basic knowledge of it.  As I left the restaurant and have been reflecting on this eavesdropping experience, I wish those fine gentlemen could see this video that I have watched so many times:

Or look at this infograph:

Anyways, as the school days approach I am changing modes in my brain and am starting to get excited about ways to not only implement educational technology, but also to create a learning environment that will prepare my students for a technology enriched future.

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